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Food that accompanies the baby from complementary feeding and its subsequent growth


Made with 100% fresh and seasonal organic ingredients such as meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits

Ecological jars Jars

The different flavors help develop the palate and acceptance of different foods. They do not contain preservatives or artificial additives

Snacks Snacks

They are very easy to digest and provide a perfect complement to breastfeeding by offering an additional source of nutrients

Porridge Porridge

Smileat jars, 100% organic baby food

At Smileat, we support exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months. But we talk about foods from 4 months of age because we want to help and support parents who, for various reasons, have babies who need to start complementary feeding earlier. We offer both baby food for a 4-month-old baby or fruit puree.

Recommendations for starting to feed a 4-month-old baby

It is important that they are gluten-free to avoid intolerances. To introduce them in the baby's diet you usually start with a bottle, you can give them dissolved in water or milk. At Smileat we offer you a porridge made from buckwheat, corn, rice and quinoa. Gluten free and preservative free.

Fruit can also be introduced to a 4-month-old baby.

Fruits recommended for 4-month-old babies

  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Banana
  • Orange

Organic fruit jars for 4-months-old babies

As the first fruit puree for your baby, we recommend our Pear and Apple puree, without added preservatives, gluten, or salt. If your 4-month-old baby is not interested in eating, don't hesitate to consult your pediatrician and explore other ways to help them gain weight.

Although we have started by saying this, we cannot forget about...

The initial feeding and nutrition of babies are based on milk as the sole food. Nutritionally, it is a very complete food, and its liquid texture allows it to be easily sucked without any issues.

To make it easier for parents to follow all these recommendations and maintain age-appropriate infant nutrition, Smileat includes on all its labels the age from which its products can be consumed. However, it is always important to consider and follow the steps recommended by the pediatrician for each baby.

Why is it important to use organic raw materials in your baby's food?

It is really important to use it in everyone's diet, as pesticides, pesticides, and other chemicals used in conventional agriculture and livestock are not good for anyone, but let's focus today on infant nutrition.

Baby Food 4 Months |Baby Food 5 Months | Baby Food 6 Months | Baby Food 7 Months | Baby Food 8 Months |Baby Food 9 Months |Baby Food 10 Months | Baby Food 12 Months |Baby Food 18 Months