Do you have doubts about breastfeeding?

We solve them for you

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding download our ebook to learn all the keys.  

Elisa Blázquez will answer any questions you may have, being an Integrative Nutritionist and recent mother of a baby.

What will you get with this eBook?

- Knowing the keys to regaining our previous weight during breastfeeding

- Are there forbidden foods?

- Breast milk and microbiota

- Foods rich in polyunsaturated fats

Do you have doubts about Breastfeeding?

We solve them for you

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding download our ebook to learn all the keys. 

Elisa Blázquez will answer any questions you may have, being an Integrative Nutritionist and recent mother of a baby.

What will you get with this eBook?

- Knowing the keys to regaining our previous weight during breastfeeding

- Are there forbidden foods?

- Breast milk and microbiota

- Foods rich in polyunsaturated fats